| Ranked #2 in education podcasts on Spotify in 2021 |

The Premise

The Make Your Damn Bed Podcast is designed to be paired with simple habits (like making your damn bed) so you can effortlessly integrate new, healthy routines into your life. Each episode is 5 - 10 ish minutes of motivational real-talk designed to improve your relationships with yourself and those around you. Each season is 66 days long to nurture long term habit building through sustainable and tangible improvements to your daily routine.

Plus, there are bonus episodes on youtube.com/juliemerica + full episodes (and an extensive backlog) at acast


Season One

is dedicated to building a foundation of self love, inner compassion, and self worth. Learning to treat ourselves with respect is integral in finding internal peace and happiness. True healing begins within.


Season Two

is dedicated to our external relationships and our interactions with those around us. The self love practiced in season one can be shifted towards outward compassion as we learn to share it with others.


Season Three

is dedicated to our relationship with society as a whole. As we nurture our practice, we can begin to focus on how we interact with the community and the greater impact we have on the world around us.


“I typically hit play and let several episodes go, sometimes re-listening to the ones that really hit home. When friends or family ask for recommendations, you bet this podcast makes my list.” - Apple Review